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COVID-19 Update

Church Family,


At our March 8, 2022 board meeting, we reviewed the latest data from the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare's COVID-19 Dashboard. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our church staff and board have maintained a close eye on the numbers for the entire state and our own Elmore County. (These statistics can be found here.)


At that meeting we determined that we were going to remove the signage throughout our church that strongly recommends the wearing of masks, social distancing, and the preservation of a touchless worship environment. Recent changes in the CDC's recommended precautions also are consistent with the removal of these recommendations.


Also at that meeting, we discussed and reaffirmed that people choosing to take precautions in our facility and during our worship services should not be made to feel awkward or criticized for their choices. People who wish to take precautions can continue to do so! In fact, we will continue to have masks present and available for people who come to our church.


At the same time, we realize that there will be some for whom these precautionary measures will not be enough to make the church feel like a safe place for them to be. We will continue our live streaming of services on Facebook Live ( We want to love and support all who have concerns about their safety, as well as those who feel these precautionary measures are pointless and ineffective. As a reminder, if you feel unwell or feel you may have been exposed to a person who is ill, we respectfully ask that you consider worshiping with us online. Please know that we want to continue serving you and staying connected to you as part of our church family.


If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to Pastor Trent at or by calling the church office at 208.587.3093. You can also reach out to one of our board members. Thank you so much for continuing to journey toward Christ with us!


Grace and peace.

Pastor Trent


Updated 8.15.2022

  • Mountain Home Church of the Nazarene
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Sunday Morning Worship Service:


Wednesday Night Activities


MH Church of the Nazarene
950 N. 7th E.
Mountain Home, ID, 83647

Tel: 208-587-3093


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